Get Into Investing! by William F. Seeds

Get Into Investing!

Get Into Investing! Header

Quickly learn how to analyze investments for the long and short term, using the power of the smartphone in your pocket.

Get Into Investing! teaches readers:


Manage risk by knowing the returns, stability of the company and what you have available to invest.

Safeguard Savings

Safeguard through protected investments that provide a steady return, while knowing how much capital you are comfortable with investing in higher return prospects.

Financial Security
Depending on if you want to save for a nice vacation or financial security, Get Into Investing! can show you how to achieve independence over time.

It is important to note that there is minimal math involved. You will not ever at any point have to pull out a pen and paper, along with a calculator, to figure out your returns. The book teaches simple ways to look at investments that will keep you in tune with your returns and let the trading company's website figure all the math for you.

Click here for a link to the book on Amazon.